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Preparing for this Winter’s Elderberry Cuttings

Thanksgiving is over, and if you live in a Northern Climate, now is the perfect time to plan for growing your own Elderberries and prepare for receiving your January through March delivery of 2021 Elderberry Cuttings!

We live and grow our Elderberries in a Northern climate and this information is meant to cater to the residential to small scale grower who experiences solidly frozen soil in the Winter months, but wants to receive fresh Elderberry Cuttings from a local grower during that same time period.

Elderberries are an extremely hardy plant that, depending on variety, can easily take prolonged exposure to -30F, and shorter term exposure to much colder temperatures. So if you enjoy Elderflowers for Frying in Batter, Home Made Drinks, and Salves or the Berries themselves for syrup, jams, jellies, and wine now is the time to plan to have this incredible plant on your own property.

Follow along as we discuss tips on growing your own Elderberries.

Visit us at Elderberry Springs Farm where you can place your order for Elderberry Cuttings and Elderberry Syrup. You can also call 518-659-1411 or email us at



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